Sunday, September 25, 2011

St. Aloysius Gonzaga

ALOYSIUS lived in the castle of the Gonzaga family in Italy. As a little boy he spent some time with his father in the army. There he picked up rough language. His mother scolded him and taught him what a terrible thing it is to offend God. He began to love prayer and to think about hif soul of God.
      Aloysius was sent to Madrid, in Spain, to become a page to a prince, and to receive an education. But his motto was: "I was born for greater things." At twenty he signed away forever his right to lands of the Gonzaga family and became a Jesuit novice.
      Aloysius' fellow students loved him because he was kind and willing to help them. They respected him because of his great love for purity.
      In Rome Aloysius took care of sick people in a hospital and before long he himself was ill. The sores caused by the disease were very painful. Aloysius never reached the priesthood; he passed away quietly as he gazed at a crucifix where he found strength to suffer. He was only twenty three years old. He is a patron of young people.

Friday, September 23, 2011

St. Joan of Arc

JOAN was born in France in 1412. She helped her brothers on the farm and often went to a nearby chapel to pray to Jesus.
   When she was seventeen, Joan heard the voice of God calling her to drive the enemies of France from the land. Going to the king, whose army was defeated, she asked for a small army. The king believing that God had sent her to save France, gave her a band of brave soldiers.
    Joan went before the soldiers carrying her banner with words: "Jesus, Mary." The soldiers became filled with courage and drove the British army away.
    Joan fell into the hands of the British and remained in prison for a nine months. She was asked why she had gone to confession almost every day. She said: " My soul can never be made too clean. I firmly believe thet I shall surely be saved."
    She was taken to the marketplace of  Rouen and burned to death. With her eyes on a crucifix, she cried out, "Jesus, Jesus," through the flames.

St. Dymphna

DYMPHNA was born in Ireland in the seventeenth century. Her father. Damon, a chieftain of great wealth and power, was a pagan. Her mother was a very beautiful a devout Christian.
      Dymphna was fourteen when her mother died. Her father was so sad that he sent messenger everywhere to find some woman of noble birth like his wife, who would be willing to marry him. When non could be found, his evil advisers told him to marry his own daughter. Dymphna fled from her castle together with a priest, St. Gerebran, and two other friends.
      Damon found them in Belgium. He gave orders that the priest's head be cut off. Then he tried to make his daughter return to Ireland with him and marry him. When she refused, he drew his sword and struck off her head. She was then only fifteen years of age.
      St. Dymphna is the patron of those who suffer with mental illness, because her father acted as a man out of his mind when he killed his own daughter.

St. Dominic Savio.

DOMINIC was born in Ravia, Italy, in 1842. When he was five years old, he learned to serve Mass. At twelve he visited St. John Bosco and told him that he wanted to be a priest. They became good friends. Dominic entered the Oratory school, which John Bosco started.
      Dominic's schoolmates liked him because he was very kind and cheerful. He studied hard and loved to pray. But his health was poor, and after two years he had to return home.
      Dominic always kept these rules, which he had written in a notebook on his First Communion Day: (1) I will go to confession and to Communion often. (2) I will keep holy the Feast days. (3) Jesus and Mary will be my best friends. (4) I will Rather die than commit a sin.
      When Dominic was dying, he said: "What beautiful things I see!" He was only fifteen years old. St. John Bosco wrote the story of his life.
      Dominic Savio was made a saint of the Catholic Church and is honored as the patron of teenagers.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

St. Bernadette

BERNADETTE'S parents were very poor. They lived in Lourdes, France.
      One day, in 1854, while Bernadette was gathering firewood, a beautiful Lady stood in a cave before her. She was dressed in blue and white, ahnd there was a rose on each on her feet. She smiled at Bernadette and asked her to say the rosary with her.
      Bernadette saw the Lady eighteen times. The Lady asked Bernadette to tell the world that people must do penance for their sins and pray. She once told Bernadette: "I do not promise to make you happy in this world, but in heaven."
      Large crowds followed Bernadette to the grotto to say the rosary with her. They could not to see the Lady. The Lady asked Bernadette to scrape the earth. The miraculous spring of Lourdes started to flow. Many sick people have been cured.
      When Bernadette asked the Lady her name, the Lady looked up to heaven and said: "I am the Immaculate Conception." She asked that a chapel be built near the grotto.
       Later, Bernadette became a nun and suffered very much, She died at the age of thirty-six.

St. Agnes

Agnes was only twelve years old when she was led to the alter of the pagan goddess Minerva in Rome to offer incense t her. But, she raised her hands to Jesus Christ and made the Sign of the Cross.
      The soldiers bound her hands and feet. Her young was so thin that the chains slipped from her wrists. When the judge saw that she was not afraid of pain, he had her cloths stripped off, and she had to stand in the street before a pagan crowd. She cried out: "Christ will guard His own."
       Agnes was offered the hand of a rich young man in marriage, but she answered: "Christ is my Spouse. He close me first and His I will be. He made my soul beautiful with the jewels of grace and virtue. I belong to Him Whom the angles serve."
       She bowed her head to she sword. At one stroke her head was cut off. The Name Agnes means "lamb." She was gentle and pure.